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Mary McLorren

Senthe McLorren

Anseleme McLorren

Anselm McLorren

Elijah McLorren


About Us:

Gilbert Mclorren Outreach was established in 2017 by the relatives of the late Gilbert Mclorren, as a Non-Profit organization dedicated to addressing individual, community, societal, and global needs. Initially inspired by a desire to give back, the organization has since evolved into a committed effort to combat poverty. Through various outreach projects, the organization collaborates with other non-profits, churches, and schools, organizing charitable activities, fundraising events, and outreach programs to make a meaningful impact on those in need.  


Gilbert McLorren Outreach is a non-profit entity dedicated to serving those in need by reaching beyond the walls of our headquarters. At GMO we provide a variety of services including Charitable Drives, Fundraising, and Community Outreach services (which consist of partnering with fellow non-profit entities, churches, schools, etc).  We want to continuously impact the lives of those we serve.


At Gilbert McLorren Outreach our goal is to fulfill the mandate referenced in Matthew 25:40 which states “when I was hungry you gave me something to eat, thirsty you gave me something to drink, stranger you invited me in, needed clothes you clothed me, sick you looked after me in prison you came to visit me” .

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